Casual Connections at AWC

  • November 30, 2015
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • AWC Clubhouse, 72/1 Sukhumvit 38

Monday, November 30th's Casual Connections will be held at the AWC Clubhouse. Come and join us for our weekly coffee morning in our very own dwellings! 

Since Linda, our Thrift Shop's lead volunteer, is busy working every Monday and can't join us at the Sheraton, we thought we would bring Casual Connections coffee to her! 

Take the sky train to Thonglor stop (just 2 stops past Asoke) and take exit 4 to soi 38. We will have a driver pick you up at the top of 38 and bring you to the Clubhouse. Here is the map to AWC just in case.

Our coffee is being provided by Coffee Works and they will also be doing demos on special brewing techniques to delight the coffee lover in each of us.  We will provide a sweet treat to go along with your coffee or tea. 

Explore the Thrift Shop and get to know Linda. I know she would love to share with you the operations of running the shop that provides a great service for the community. 

Won't you join us? Please register online to help us know who will need pick up from the Thonglor stop. 

Looking forward to sharing our "2nd home" with you!

Questions? Contact Membership,

--Phyllis and your AWC Board Members