• February 12, 2011
  • 8:00 AM
  • Emporium Suites Entrance
  • 2


Registration is closed

This day trip is fully booked. Please contact Kathy or Naina about getting on the waitlist in case a spot opens up.


We have a fun-packed day for you starting at the Khao Yai National Park where we will visit the Haeo Suwat Waterfall, along the upper reaches of the Lam Takhong River. The National Park is Thailand's oldest and sprawls over 2,000 sq kms. Entrance into the Park is 40 baht for Thailand residents and 400 baht for non-residents so it is important that everyone bring their passport to prove residency. If you forget, you will have to pay the difference of 360 baht!! The 40 baht entrance fee is included in the donation below.

After driving through the beautiful evergreen forest and grasslands, we will head to a Tuscan village in the heart of the hills for lunch!

The price of the lunch is not included. Everybody will be given free time to have their lunch.
In the afternoon, we will witness the Harvest Festival at PB Winery. They are organizing activities and a wine-tasting for us. We will have an early dinner at PB surrounded by beautiful views of the hills and vineyards. 

The van will head back to Bangkok after dinner at 8 p.m.  Dinner with a live band is included in the price but not alcohol.

Limit: 30 persons

Leaders: Naina,, and Kathy,

Deadline to sign up online and pay is Mon, February 7th