Songkran Holiday 2023

  • April 13, 2023
  • April 16, 2023
  • Thailand
Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year. “Songkran” is a Thai word which means “move” or “change place” as it is the day when the sun changes its position in the zodiac. It is also known as the “Water Festival” as people believe that water will wash away bad luck.

Families gather to express their respects to the elders by pouring scented water onto the hands of their parents and grandparents and to present them gifts. The elders in return wish the youngsters good luck and prosperity. Thais also clean their homes, temples, and public buildings to bring good luck - as well as perform bathing rites for Buddha images and monks. 

A very popular part of this water festival has always been the splashing and pouring water on friends and passers-by.

For 2023, the official dates are April 13th through 14th.